Do You Want to Spend More Time With Your Patients and Less Time Running Your Practice?

The Practice success Academy was created to help you get more high-paying cash patients, create multiple streams of income, and skyrocket the collections in your practice.

What Graduates Say

Shiroko Sokitch, MD

JUST ONE suggestion from the course allowed me to free up six hours of my time a month, translating to an additional $32,000 a year. And that was just one idea!

This course is well thought out, clear, and full of concise information that is practical and usable immediately.  I’ve been in practice for 23 years and didn’t know many of the things suggested in this course.

Shiroko Sokitch, MD Heart to Heart Medical Center

Robyn Benson DOM

One of the best business decisions EVER in my 24 year medical practice was to invest in Pattie Ptak’s Practice Success Academy.

This training has re-ignited my love for the work that I do. My staff has learned a ton of useful and easy to implement tools that have increased our company morale and…our profits too… a fun, extremely impactful and profitable business. 

I highly recommend this course to all health practitioners who care to up-level their business starting today in a big way.

Robyn Benson DOM Santa Fe Soul

This course provided me with the exact info, tools and exercises that I needed to get my product line launched.

I needed clarity on my business direction, help in hiring the right team, advice on how to find my best clients for my program, and the marketing strategies to attract them. I got all of that and more in this course. Pattie knows it all, and teaches it well. This training shortened my learning curve by 20x, and focused me on what really matters. I am so grateful for Pattie’s expertise and wisdom.

Maru Davila

Founder and CEO, Flaca Forever

Harvard MBA

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Here's What You'll Get When You Invest in the Course...

  • Step by Step Training to Establish the Procedures, Systems and Protocols that are Right for Your Practice

    You will learn the tools to create customized procedures and systems to create a self-managing, self-sustaining company. Discover how to ethically incorporate multiple streams of income that are appropriate for your practice, without feeling like you are “selling”. Learn the real reason your patients say they can’t afford your services, and most importantly, what you can do about it.

  • Detailed Instructions on How to Attract, Train and Maintain a Great Team

    We will reveal the turnkey hiring strategies and systems that attract top talent, and show you the little-known interviewing techniques to help you get the right employee in the right position. You’ll get the blueprint to hire staff that can manage your business to your specifications, so you can focus your energy on other things; like taking care of your patients.

  • Internal and External Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Income and Get Patients to Come to You

    Learn how to create campaigns to attract the right patients to your office; the ones who are looking for you and will pay cash for your services. Discover the little-known secret formula to generate a highly responsive, referral-based practice. You will learn the essential tools to attract your ideal clients, whether you want to see 200 patients a day, or 6 patients a day, regardless of your specialty.  The course also has detailed instructions on how to automate your marketing, so you’ll never have to wonder where your next new patient is coming from again.

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